Who Am I?

I’m CraftSpider, a Software Engineer who enjoys writing code, among other things. You may also find me online under ‘Rune Tynan’ occasionally. It’s not my real name, but I’ve been using the pseudonym so long I’m kind of attached to it.

What do I program?

I tend to work on any project that catches my interest. More specifically, I tend to enjoy working on projects that involve reverse engineering, metaprogramming, API design, or ‘unique’ uses of a language or technology. I’m not as good with GUI or ‘front-end’ code.

Language wise, my primary language currently is Rust, followed by Python and C++1

What else do I do with my life?

I also enjoy playing computer games, especially platformers or any kind of puzzle game. Not on the computer, I enjoy camping, casual hiking2, and reading.

Why this blog?

This blog is a place for me to list projects I’ve worked on, as well as write up any thoughts I might want to put out there.

Who asked?

No one, but I decided to inflict my projects and posts upon the world anyways.

How do I ask you to stop?

I can be reached through the social buttons at the bottom of this page, or through the email address on my github.

  1. C++ doesn’t really have a single nice website 

  2. Couple hour trips, not couple day trips